Happy Valentine's Day

Here's a lollipop for you.
Happy Valentine's Day
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Animal Architecture (Part 2)

Hello everyone!

Here's a continuous showcase of some modern and useful furniture for your pets! How wonderful life would be for them. =)

We love to lounge so do does our furry friends! Oooo.....

Own a turtle and love nature? Perhaps this chair met your criteria.

Having problem juggling between with your kids and cats? 

This might do the job. 
So eco-friendly that you can build it on your own, and let your child do the decoration.

Who ever thought of suspending your cat bed from above?

It's just so common to see side table + bed for our loving pets.

So, how about 3 features in 1 furniture?
Let me introduce you to Pet Ball!

So whats with the 3 features? You might have guess it.

Pet House + Table + LAMP!

It comes in 2 colors white and pink. 
And 4 different colors of cushion to choose from.

I'm in love with the pink design, how about you?